Irritable Bowel

IBS is also known as spastic colon, irritable colon, mucous colitis, and spastic colitis .Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel habit in the absence of a specific and unique organic pathology.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Men with the following factors are more likely to develop benign prostatic hyperplasia:

  • Diet low in fibre , high in calories , rich, spicy food difficult to digest,consuming bakery items , dry food ,fast food , sugar etc .
  • Environmental factors, such as stress
  • Genetic factors
  • Hormones
  • Digestive organs with a high sensitivity to pain
  • An unusual response to infection
  • A malfunction in the muscles that move food through the body
  • An inability of the central nervous system (CNS) to control the digestive system
  • A person’s mental and emotional state can contribute to IBS development. People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a higher risk of developing IBS.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise .


The most common symptoms of IBS include:

  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Abdominal pain and cramping, which often reduce after passing a stool
  • A feeling that the bowels are not empty after passing stools
  • Passing excess gas
  • The passing of mucus from the rectum
  • A sudden, urgent need to use the bathroom
  • Swelling or bloating of the abdomen

Homoeopathic Approach

Homoeopathy aims in treating the underlying cause , strengthening the nervous system , relieving the stress , increasing the immunity , which helps in marked improvement in symptoms . Healthy diet & physical exercise and healthy life style is advised for fast recovery .

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